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Amedex Insurance Group, - in Miami, FL

Amedex Insurance Group is a practicing in Miami, Florida. This life insurance company is listed on Life Insurance Directory with a speciality in Insurance - Life Insurance.

You can reach us on phone number (305) 275-1400, fax number (305) 275-8484 or email address . Our office is located on 7001 SW 97th Ave, Miami, FL,

For full contact details to this life insurance company have a look at the the column to your right (or scroll if you're viewing this on a mobile device.)

life insurance company specialization

Amedex Insurance Group is listed under Insurance - Life Insurance in Miami, Florida .

Contact this life insurance company to find out if they offer life insurance, term life insurance, health insurance.

Pro tip Browse Life insurance companies in Miami, Florida by life insurance and category.

Insurance - Life Insurance in Miami
Life Insurance - Health Insurance in Miami
Life Insurance - Home Insurance in Miami
Financial Planning - Life Insurance in Miami
Life Insurance in Miami

Fees, quotes and discounts

There's currently no information available about fees, quotes or discounts from Amedex Insurance Group.

Life insurance company overview

When searching for the right life insurance company there's a lot of things you have to take into account. To assist you in your search for the right life insurance we've tried to gather as much information as possible to help you pick the right insurance.

The information below about Amedex Insurance Group is optional and only visible if provided by the company. Call (305) 275-1400 to learn more.


http://www.amedex.com Add information


There's currently no information available about ratings for Amedex Insurance Group. Add information

Insurance Marketplace Standards Association

N/A Add information

Guardian Consumer Complaint Ratios

There's currently no information available about consumer complaint ratios. Add information

Policy types

There's currently no information available about policy types, details or cancellation fees (The fee for canceling the insurance policy before end of contract.)Add information

Whole Life Insurance

No information provided. Add information

4 comments, questions or reviews - Add

Daniela Schweitzer asked a question

We have a life insurence with you and THW Inditex person died three montos ago. My daughter and me we are the principal beneficiaries and Iwanted to have an direct contact to you! Thanks.

Written February 2017 on a Tuesday (2017-02-21)

Hannah Reid asked a question

Good morning,

My name is Hannah Reid. I am a Canadian currently living and working in Bolivia. I am looking for information on obtaining medical insurance in Brazil.

I will be moving to Sao Paulo for work, and my partner (a Bolivian) will be moving with me.

However, while in Brazil, it is likely he will occasionally need medical care, because he has a non-serious medical condition that needs to be periodically monitored (Barrett esophagus).

As such, I am interested in purchasing private medical insurance for both of us. Does your company offer this service?

Thank you kindly in advance for your time.

Best regards,

Hannah Reid

+591 68117980

Written April 2017 on a Thursday (2017-04-13)


I have the information that Amedex does not exist any more and I will like to know abt my Pol. 44778082 and wich Company is the responsable now.

Written February 2018 on a Thursday (2018-02-22)

Ulises Iraheta Troya asked a question

mi poliza de 1993 de renta vitalicia esta activa numero 93192119

Written April 2018 on a Tuesday (2018-04-24)

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Amedex Insurance Group

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Amedex Insurance Group
7001 SW 97th Ave
Miami, FL 33173

Contact Amedex Insurance Group to find out about hours of operation / office hours / business hours.

Office hours

Listed hours are general only. Call (305) 275-1400 to learn about office hours.

Monday: 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Tuesday: 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Wednesday: 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Thursday: 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Friday: 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Saturday: Closed
Sunday: Closed


Phone: (305) 275-1400
Fax: (305) 275-8484

Email address

No listed email address.

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